
Daniel Palmik

IT Support

Hi there! I’m Daniel Palmik, a script/code developer, web developer, web stylist, car mechanic, small-time (lazy) artist, and family-friendly gamer. I have a knack for fixing stuff and diagnosing tech problems (or generally fixing anything).

I’m a senior at Tottenville High School and proudly serve as a STR²EAM (STEAM/STEM) Ambassador. I manage an impressive arsenal of resources at school, including around 40 3D printers, three laser cutters, and all the high-end computers in the room. I’m working on some mind-blowing STEAM projects, which I can’t wait to share once they’re done. (One of them I am allowed to share is that we are creating our own news/media truck!) I’m also the Vice President of the ESports Club at Tottenville High School.

I also speak three languages: English, Russian, and Spanish (basic).

In my 3-year high school program, automotive, I’m diving deep into the fascinating world of cars and learning how to repair them. When I’m not busy fixing things or learning about cars, you can find me endlessly coding and creating weird/fun programs. I love writing code to make things work just the way they should and making stuff simpler.

I maintain this website to ensure all the features work seamlessly whenever possible. So, feel free to explore and enjoy! 🙂